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Published on April 19, 2024
San Antonio Puts a Sustainable Spin on Fiesta Celebrations with Eco-Friendly InitiativesSource: Google Street View

As the city gears up for its annual Fiesta celebration, local officials are pitching a shindig that's as green as it is vibrant. In a bid to sustain the environment during one of the biggest parties in Texas, the City of San Antonio Office of Sustainability is rolling out some no-nonsense tips for eco-friendly partying, as reported on their website.

To keep San Antonio's streets and river debris-free, residents and visitors are being nudged towards biodegradable confetti. The recommendation is simple: ditch the plastic and metallic varieties, which, are bad news for wildlife, and go for products that won't outlive the party by a few hundred years. According to the city's Office of Sustainability, confetti cannons should be loaded with 100% biodegradable stuff, and even the cannon tubes ought to be recycled.

Sustainable partygoers have the choice to use reusable containers, cups designed to be snagged as keepsakes, and recyclable bottles and cans. For early birds who want a shiny Fiesta medal to show off, recycling at the City’s Solid Waste Management stations might just snag them one but fair warning, the stock is as limited. Participants can spot giant inflatable recycling and organic bins at strategic locations like Crockett Park and Brooklyn Bleachers, as listed in the city's news release.

E-ticketing is also the game changer for this year's Fiesta highlights. Cutting down on paper is not just a tree-hugger's dream anymore; it's a practical reality. Just flash your phone at the entrance instead of fumbling with old-school paper tickets.

San Antonio's streets are likely to be clogged with revelers, so the Office of Sustainability is pushing for less gas-guzzling travel options. Walking, cycling, and carpooling, and if it cuts down on emissions, it's in the spirit of this year's eco-conscious festivities. The VIA Metropolitan Transit has bus and Park & Ride services mapped out on their website,, for a smooth ride over to the fiesta's hotspot.

As the city reminds us, "Pick up after yourself. Place trash in the designated containers. The San Antonio River is one of San Antonio's greatest treasures, help keep it clean and healthy for everyone to enjoy. Don't let litter trash your river." Clean-up is not only courteous, it's crucial. For those keen on diving deeper into sustainability initiatives or looking to snag more green-living tips, the San Antonio Office of Sustainability has a bounty of resources on its dashboard at