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Published on April 16, 2024
Washington County Declares April 17 'Go Orange Day' in Support of Road Safety WorkersSource: Washington County Minnesota

Drivers of Washington County, mark your calendars and pull out your brightest orange gear because April 17 is "Go Orange Day," dedicated to the brave souls who keep our roads safe. It's a day when we show our support for the hardworking men and women patrolling and maintaining our work zones—the unsung heroes of our daily commutes, according to Washington County's announcement.

Every day, these workers face dangers that most of us would prefer to ignore. One distracted driver, one momentary lapse at the wheel, can spell disaster. "Please take a moment to visualize yourself working in one of these work zones," the county plea reads, reminding us that a touch of empathy can go a long way in saving lives. So when you're cruising through cones and barriers, ease up on the gas and keep your eyes peeled. After all, getting somewhere a minute faster is never worth a life.

The county's commitment to worker safety is not just talk. As reported by the Washington County Minnesota, on April 9, in the lead-up to National Work Zone Awareness Week, the Washington County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution to formally acknowledge the campaign's effort to educate and protect. But recognition alone isn't enough—it's action that saves lives. The county is banking on community participation to bring about real change and reduce roadway tragedies.

Wearing orange on April 17 is a start, a simple act that shows we're in this together, valuing the lives of those who labor to make our roads better. Beyond that, a moment of silence is scheduled for April 19 to honor the memory of workers lost to work zone incidents. These gestures are more than symbolic; they’re a call to mindfulness, to solidarity, a stark reminder of the shared responsibility as we navigate the arteries of our nation's infrastructure.