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Published on April 01, 2024
Woodbury Champions Eco-Friendly Initiative with Complimentary Food Scraps Pick-Up ServiceSource: City of Woodbury, Minnesota

Woodbury is upping the ante in the recycling game by introducing a program that's bound to make green thumbs even greener. The city's latest initiative is a food scraps pick-up service that's hitting homes and, it's free of charge.

Typically tossed aside, items like banana peels, and coffee remnants constitute about 20% of household garbage. But, thanks to the folks at Ramsey/Washington Recycling and Energy, those scraps will now find new life as part of the soil instead of swelling our landfills. Residents can order a complimentary supply of special bags designed just for food scrap collection at the snug little webpage aptly named, FoodScrapsPickup.com.

It's a cinch to get rolling. Woodbury residents need only fill up these bags with their kitchen leftovers, from the seeds of last night's bell pepper to this morning's eggshells. When the bag's brimming or it's been a week – whichever comes first – a quick tie of the bag's top is all it takes before tossing it into their ordinary trash bin.

Once the regular trash collection rolls by, these scraps will be spirited away to begin their metamorphosis into compost. The city assures the process is hands-off for residents after the dump into the dumpster, making it a seamless addition to their trash day rituals.

The city's website announced the program's launch, beckoning eco-conscious citizens to jump on the bandwagon: "Get started today and order bags for free" it proclaimed, signaling a shift in the local approach to waste. By diverting scraps from the maw of landfills, Woodbury is not only reducing methane emissions but also contributing to the circular economy, closing the loop from table to farm and back again.