Washington, D.C./ Politics & Govt
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Published on May 22, 2024
Biden Wipes Out $7.7 Billion in Student Loans, Benefiting 160K StudentsSource: Elvert Barnes, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

President Joe Biden has proclaimed the cancellation of $7.7 billion in student debt for 160,000 borrowers, bringing the grand total of beneficiaries to almost 4.75 million under his administration's relief efforts. According to the White House's recent statement, each individual has seen an average elimination of over $35,000 in educational debt— a notable figure in the ongoing struggle against student loan burdens.

The current round of relief targets participants in the administration's SAVE Plan, alongside public service employees such as teachers, nurses, and law enforcement personnel, and those benefiting from adjustments to the Income-Driven Repayment plan. Advancing past his earlier efforts, Biden pointed out, "Today's announcement comes on top of the significant progress we’ve made for students and borrowers over the past three years." This includes expanding the maximum Pell Grant and overhauling the Public Service Loan Forgiveness to better serve those intended under the law.

Biden has often emphasized his commitment to making higher education more accessible, framing it as a gateway to the middle class rather than an obstacle. In the released statement, he asserted his ongoing dedication: "From day one of my Administration, I promised to fight to ensure higher education is a ticket to the middle class, not a barrier to opportunity." Despite resistance, he stands firm on continuing his efforts to provide debt relief.

Moreover, Biden's statement mentions his administration's new plans that projected to expand cancellation to over 30 million Americans. This extensive endeavor links back to his election campaign promises, illustrating an ongoing battle with GOP members over the viability and righteousness of such widespread debt forgiveness. "I will never stop working to cancel student debt – no matter how many times Republican elected officials try to stop us," Biden pledged, doubling down on his commitment to one of his key policy pursuits despite opposition.