Detroit/ Weather & Environment
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Published on May 22, 2024
Detroit Braces for Week of Thunderstorms and Sunshine, Temps Swing from 59 to 85 DegreesSource: US National Weather Service - Detroit / Pontiac Michigan

The skies over Detroit are set for a mix of thunderstorms and sunshine over the next week, with fluctuating temperatures that could have locals switching between umbrellas and sunglasses. Kicking off today with a 30% chance of precipitation, it's a cloudy start that will eventually give way to clearer skies and a warm high of 85 degrees, as per the latest update from the National Weather Service.

Tonight, Detroiters might catch the rumbles of early thunderstorms before the weather clears up again, bringing the temperatures down to a cooler 59 degrees and the wind shifting from a blustery day to a calmer evening with winds going from 6 to 14 mph. Thursday, praise the weather gods, is slated to remain sunny with the mercury hitting a high near 81, and the breeze holding steady at a gentle 5 to 8 mph.

For those planning their Friday outings, the forecast suggests yet another bright sunny day with a comfortable high near 84 degrees, although the evening might bring a 60% chance of thunderstorms leading into possibly stormy weather post 8 pm, the muted rage of Mother Nature reminding us of her unpredictable ways. The weekend continues the pattern with a high of 81 on Saturday, and then leaning towards a partially sunny Sunday with a slight dip in temperature to a high of 76.

The anticipation for Memorial Day might be dampened somewhat with a 30% chance of showers clouding the commemoration, though the sun is expected to peek through intermittently as temperatures hold steady in the low 70s—proving again that even on days of collective remembrance, the elements choose their path without regard for human sentiment or schedule. "A chance of showers" continues to be the mantra through next Tuesday, with days partly sunny and highs consistently around 72, as detailed on the National Weather Service.