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Published on May 23, 2024
Eden Prairie Celebrates Champions of Equality with 2023 Human Rights AwardsSource: Eden Prairie City

Eden Prairie's Human Rights and Diversity Commission has once again put the spotlight on local heroes who go the extra mile for equality and inclusion. At a recent City Council meeting, the commission handed out the 2023 Human Rights Award to outstanding contributors who embody the principles outlined in the Eden Prairie Manifesto. Those honored include individuals and organizations who've rolled up their sleeves to knit a more welcoming community fabric.

Hodan Nur took home the Individual Award for her relentless advocacy for East African families and youth. according to the city's announcement, Nur has been a linchpin in the community, striving for excellence in education and steering the young away from the pitfalls of addiction and crime. Her work at the Irshad Islamic Center and local schools has established her as a stalwart of guidance and support.

On the nonprofit front, The PROP Shop snagged this year's award for its dedication to those grappling with hardships. The organization has become a beacon of hope, offering free clothing, household goods, and furniture to those in need. An army of volunteers and donations from thousands mark The PROP Shop's success as a touchstone of communal support in an increasingly diverse Eden Prairie. The group operates with an ethos of dignity and care, traits that have anchored its status as a crucial pillar in the community.

In the business category, Jill Slipper Scholtz snagged the commendation for her approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Scholtz, recognized for her role as the diversity committee chair for the Eden Prairie Community Foundation, has propelled the local conversation on race equity via various community events and consultations. She's credited with charting a path for inclusivity based on the local Race Equity Report, and her leadership has been a key factor in fostering a warm and inclusive atmosphere at these events.

Nominations for the esteemed awards are open to the public. As individuals look ahead, they can nominate deserving Eden Prairie champions for their humanitarian contributions from January each year, with the commission selecting winners by March. Eden Prairie continues to shine a light on those who work tirelessly to ensure everyone, regardless of background, is part of the community's fabric.