Washington, D.C./ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on May 22, 2024
NYC Drivers Brace for Roadblocks in DC During Thunder Alley Memorial Day WeekendSource: Unsplash / Nelson Ndongala

Big heads-up, NYC motorists: if you're planning to cruise around the District of Columbia this Memorial Day weekend, you might wanna rethink your route. Thunder Alley is rolling into town, and it's bringing a slew of roadblocks with it. From Saturday, May 25 through Monday, May 27, prepare for a maze of parking restrictions and closed streets.

According to a notice from the Metropolitan Police Department, things kick off a day early with streets shutting down on Friday, May 24 at 5:00 p.m., and the lockdown isn't lifting until late Monday night, at 11:00 p.m. So, if you had plans to hit 22nd Street from C Street to Constitution Avenue, NW, you're out of luck. Those streets will be posted as Emergency No Parking, and off-limits to vehicle traffic for the duration.

This isn't just any old street fair. Thunder Alley coincides with the revered Memorial Day, a time for remembrance and reverence. The event promises to draw a crowd looking for commemoration — and some good ol' fashioned entertainment. But let's be real, the traffic's going to be a mess, so if you're driving in the area, give those closed streets a wide berth or get ready to hit the brakes. And for city dwellers, keep an eye out for the no-parking signs unless you're game for a tangle with the tow trucks.

Residents and visitors alike should check out the full advisory and plan ahead. There's a chance you could scoot around the closures with a little ingenuity and maybe a last-minute update from your GPS. But don't count your chickens; DC traffic has a rep for transforming a quick drive into an eternity on four wheels. And no one wants to wind up in the middle of a modern-day chariot race with nowhere to park their ride. You've been warned.