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Published on May 24, 2024
Palmdale Rolls Out Red Carpet for 10th Annual Generations Juried Art ExhibitSource: Facebook/Palmdale Parks & Recreation

The City of Palmdale is rolling out the red carpet once again for its 10th Annual Generations Juried Art Exhibit. Whether you're just starting to dab paint on a canvas or you've been at it for decades, this is your chance to shine. As reported by the City's official announcement, the competition is heating up and it's all about inclusivity this year, with categories for all age ranges from sprouts to seasoned creators.

Palmdale Mayor Austin Bishop is hyping up the event, saying, "The Generations exhibit celebrates the rich diversity of artistic expression within our community, bringing together artists from different generations to share their unique perspectives and creativity." You can bet that the city is buzzing with anticipation to spotlight the best local talent. And hey, if you want a slice of fame, winning entries snag a spot in the ultra-coveted 2025 Generations calendar. But get a move on - applications have to be in by August 1! Available over at the City of Palmdale's website.

This isn't just about ribbons and bragging rights; the art show is a full-on social shindig. Palmdale Parks and Recreation will give you the nod by August 8 if your masterpiece made the cut. Variety is the name of the game, with four age group brackets up for grabs: 12 and younger, 13-17 years old, 18-54 years old, and the 55+ crowd.

Get ready to party with your fellow artists on August 23. The city is throwing a free opening reception from 6-8 p.m. at Legacy Commons and the Palmdale Playhouse, complete with munchies, tunes, and the big reveal of the winners at 7:30 p.m. at the Playhouse. If you're into sneak peeks and behind-the-scene snippets, stalk Palmdale Parks and Recreation on Facebook at @PalmdaleParks&Recreation for the latest juice. And for any questions burning a hole in your pocket, shoot an email to [email protected] or call them at 661/267-5611. Who knows, this might just be the launchpad you need for your art to take flight.