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Published on May 23, 2024
Queen Creek Police Urge Safe Celebrations for Graduates Amid Increased PatrolsSource: Facebook/Queen Creek Police Department

As the caps fly and the diplomas are received, Queen Creek Police Department (QCPD) has a message for the graduates and their cheering squads: party with caution. Chief Randy Brice has put out the word, advising grads and their kin to not only revel in their achievements but also to stay safe during the festivities. "Graduation is a time for celebration and we want to ensure everyone celebrates safely and responsibly," Brice imparted in a statement.

In a reminder not unlike those seen from local law enforcement nationwide this time of year, QCPD is urging all to strap themselves in with seat belts, to prepare to gently navigate through the traffic surge around graduation halls, and above all, to give their full attention to the road. Their aim is to curb distracted driving and speeding, two notorious culprits behind the wheel responsible for accidents in Queen Creek according to a publication on the town's official website.

Chief Brice also relayed that there's a town curfew to keep in mind - 10 p.m. for the 15 and younger crowd, and midnight for the 16 and 17-year-olds. And it's more than just an advisory; the department is keeping a focused watch, with extra officers to deploy through the community across the weekend. “We encourage our residents to call us if they have concerns or observe suspicious behavior,” Brice told the town's residents, reminding them that QCPD is determined to maintain the communal peace.

Hosting a graduation bash? QCPD has tips to make sure it's memorialized for the right reasons. Monitor the activity at your gathering, ensure there's a safe trip home for all, and don't hesitate to dial the non-emergency line—or 9-1-1 if things turn critical—in case of illegal conduct, excessive noise, overcrowding, or if the streets around get too clogged. Following these guidelines can significantly help to prevent some minor celebration from spiraling into a major incident. "QCPD will continue to deploy extra officers this weekend," Brice affirmed in a bid to reinforce the sense of security around town.

For those looking to know more about the police department and its operations, additional information is accessible on the Queen Creek website and social media platforms. For minor concerns that aren't worth a siren, there's always the town's non-emergency issue reporting tool available online. As for the graduates, while the moment marks an academic milestone, QCPD’s emphasis firmly remains—a safe celebration is the capstone of the night.