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Published on May 23, 2024
Salisbury Beach Gets $1.75 Million State Funding for Dune Replenishment After Storm DamageSource: Wikipedia/Whoisjohngalt, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Salisbury Beach is gearing up for a major makeover with $1.75 million in state funds earmarked for dune replenishment after a series of destructive winter storms took their toll. The cash infusion, confirmed by MA State Department of Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Brian Arrigo, aims to bolster the coastline and protect against further erosion, as reported by WHDH.

The funding is a stop-gap measure, part of a broader $6 million strategic plan to shore up the beach's defences. Crews are set to transport about 30,000 tons of sand to reinforce the vulnerable dunes. Despite the necessity of these actions, Arrigo noted that this is not a long-term solution — but, it's a step in the right direction toward a coordinated regional strategy that addresses the relentless threat of climate change.

According to, the works are scheduled for September, after the summer crowds dissipate and before the harsh New England fall and winter storms arrive. The effort is part of an ongoing regional approach to coastal resilience spearheaded by the Healey-Driscoll Administration, articulated by Arrigo.

Despite initial losses during the March storms, Tom Saab of Salisbury Beach Citizens for Change told WHDH that the dunes still managed to protect shoreline properties. He urges for more proactive measures, indicating that the federal government could also play a crucial role in sustaining Salisbury Beach.

Salisbury Beach, which borders private property but is also a public state reservation, has seen more than $2 million spent on renourishment efforts since 2007. The latest project will not only safeguard the environment but also support a local economy that thrives on seasonal tourism. Under threat are not only homes and beaches, but also key infrastructure like Route 1A, an essential evacuation path from the nearby Seabrook Nuclear Power Station, Neil Harrington, Salisbury's town manager, warned according to

Harrington also indicated that the town would seek additional federal funding to continue the critical work of beach preservation, recognizing the joint state and federal efforts necessary to keep pace with the growing challenges posed by a changing climate and rising sea levels.