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Published on May 26, 2024
San Bernardino County's Operation Shelter Me Provides Hope for Homeless in VictorvilleSource: San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department - Headquarters

On a recent Friday, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Community Service & Reentry Division took to the streets of Victorville, swinging into action with "Operation Shelter Me," an initiative to coral the homeless and link them up with housing and health services. The operation, which ran from the crack of dawn until mid-afternoon, successfully snagged three families with kids out of tough spots and into immediate shelter—a beacon of hope for the some 80 individuals they contacted throughout the day.

Of the dozens facing the harsh reality of Victorville's streets, the operation, conducted by the Homeless Outreach Proactive Enforcement Team (H.O.P.E.), made contact with 10 military vets and while service capacity might be maxed out these teams are not letting that slow them down, promising to forge ahead as resources free up, they referred 67 individuals to needed services and helped 16 get a firmer grip on the support they reached out for. According to official reports, their efforts have resonated with most of those they've met, with more than three-quarters of the contacted showing a willingness to accept a helping hand.

Cementing the foundations for this relentless outreach is Laura's Law, which San Bernardino inked into existence last June. The law, an instrument for court-ordered treatment, could be the lifeline for two individuals identified during the sweep as potential referrals—two souls whom the winds of fate had left adrift with histories of hospitalization and brushes with the law.

Bankrolling this mercy crusade is Senate Bill 170, which greased the wheels with funding and ensured this wasn’t just a one-off rodeo. Sheriff-Coroner Shannon D. Dicus of San Bernardino County is standing firm—with a vision of H.O.P.E. operations fanning out across the county over the next number of years, pegging their dreams on the pillars of this commitment to keep the flame of compassion burning bright. For folks on the ground who might cross paths with those in need of these services, they're encouraged to reach out to the H.O.P.E. team at 909-387-0623 or [email protected].