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Published on May 19, 2024
St. Louis Park Gears Up for Summer of Alley Renovations, Construction Starts May 28Source: St. Louis Park, Minnesota

Residents of St. Louis Park should prepare for the summer soundtrack of construction as GL Contracting, Inc. gears up to overhaul alleyways come the end of May. The company, having secured the city contract, has earmarked Tuesday, May 28 as the day shovels will hit the ground starting with alley C.

Worried about where to park? Local officials have thought one step ahead. Notices will be emailed to affected residents and signage will be conspicuously placed at entry points to ensure vehicles are moved out of garages ahead of the closures. The project aims for an early October wrap-up, cueing in a smooth transition before winter bites.

For those seeking the nitty-gritty on what the project entails, a 2024 Alley Reconstruction Newsletter is available and details are up on the project website. Queries and concerns can be taken directly to the project's lead on the ground – Jack Sullivan, Engineering project manager, at 952.924.2691 or [email protected].

Mark Fremder, the coordinating muscle for the day-to-day operations, is also on call for additional support. You can reach out to him at 952.924.2670 or [email protected]. With these preparations in place, St. Louis Park looks set for a smoother ride in the lanes behind their homes when autumn colors begin to roll in.