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Published on May 24, 2024
Texas Man Charged With Retaliation, Terroristic Threats After Allegedly Ignoring Trespass WarningSource: Facebook/Mark Herman, Harris County Constable Precinct 4

A man who had been banned from a Texas property is in handcuffs after he allegedly returned to the scene and threatened to attack and shoot someone there, authorities said. Law enforcement officers with Constable Mark Herman's office were called to the 6000 block of W Rayford Road after an off-duty courtesy officer spotted the suspect, identified as Jason Trevino, at the location.

The confrontation occurred on May 23, with the off-duty Montgomery County Constable Precinct 3 officer reporting that Trevino was not only trespassing but had also made violent threats. This incident follows a previous encounter where Trevino was issued a criminal trespass warning on a separate date but chose to disregard it, sparking the current legal scuffle.

"Jason Trevino was arrested and booked into the Harris County Jail, charged with Retaliation and Terroristic Threat. His bond and court information have not been set at this time." according to a post on Constable Mark Herman's official Facebook page.

The investigation into his actions and the motives behind the threats is ongoing as the authorities work to piece together the events leading up to an the arrest.