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Published on June 29, 2024
Arizona Courts Global Investors with Focus on Semiconductors, Aerospace, and Energy SectorsSource: Pima County

Arizona is positioning itself as a key player in the semiconductor, aerospace and defense, and energy sectors, as the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) recently hosted a select group of global business leaders and local economic professionals at an event spotlighting investment opportunities within the state. The two-day gathering, a SelectUSA spin-off, put on by the ACA and the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC), sought to draw interest to Arizona's potential as an investment destination for companies operating in these critical industries.

The seminar provided a venue for attendees to engage with fellow business leaders who share similar investment perspectives but it also offered direct access to a network of economic developers from across Arizona, alongside high-profile industry and government figures, which according to the Pima County Newsroom, included representatives from Gov. Katie Hobbs’ Office, as well as the ACA’s Foreign Trade Office teams from around the globe.

Heath Vescovi-Chiordi, Pima County Economic Development Director, was among the participants, seizing the chance to tout the local initiatives aimed at bushing up the workforce, initiatives he believes are primed to benefit potential investors. "It was a wonderful opportunity to showcase Arizona as an ideal location for their company’s investment," highlighted the county spokesperson, recognizing the significance of interweaving local development programs with global investment strategies.

Key topics at the event included not just the potential for initial investment in Arizona, but how ongoing workforce development has a hand in creating a fertile environment for businesses to thrive, a point Vescovi-Chiordi emphasized during his interactions with visiting dignitaries and business figures, he underscored the vitality of tapping into the local talent pool, which aligns with the investment incentives that Arizona aims to offer global players in the semiconductor, aerospace and defense, and energy sectors. Vescovi-Chiordi emphasized the vigor of local developmental initiatives, and how these would aid companies looking to invest in Pima County, thus fostering a symbiotic business climate conducive to investment and growth across these sectors.

Phoenix-Science, Tech & Medicine