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Published on June 08, 2024
Arizona Theatre Company Stages Sam Shepard's Riveting "True West" in a Tale of Sibling Rivalry and Dark ComedySource: Tempe

Get ready for a showdown at the Arizona Theatre Company, where sibling rivalry and dark humor collide in Sam Shepard's "True West." The play, a Pulitzer finalist and Tony-nominated masterpiece, is directed by Jenn Thompson and presents a twisted tale of two brothers locked in a battle of wits and identity in the scorching heat of the American West. According to an announcement from the City of Tempe, audiences can expect a performance that's as combustible as the desert setting it portrays.

The storyline follows Austin, the successful screenwriter, as he embarks on his next project while house-sitting for his mother in her desert home. However, things take a hysterical turn when his brother, Lee, an alcoholic drifter with a penchant for trouble, drops in with intentions to rob the neighborhood. The tension escalates when both brothers are forced to hammer out a movie script together, chasing the allure of a big fat Hollywood paycheck. It's a classic tale of envy, ambition, and the eternal quest for the American Dream—gone sideways.

As the play progresses, a role reversal takes place, thrusting the brothers into an intense exploration of identity and family dynamics. What begins as a clear-cut dichotomy between the successful writer and the petty criminal slowly morphs, blurring the lines between the two as they vie for power and recognition. True to Shepard's form, the narrative dares the audience to ponder the authenticity of the personas we present to the world and the primal instincts that lurk beneath them.

Described by the City of Tempe as "a hysterically twisted story," "True West" promises to deliver laughs amidst its darker themes. The brilliance of Shepard's writing, combined with Thompson's direction, underscores the notion that in the pursuit of our dreams, we might just become the very thing we despised—or, in this case, the very sibling we've been trying to best. Performances of "True West" are slated on the theatre's calendar, offering a chance to see this electrifying family feud play out live on stage.

For those interested in seeing this high-stakes drama unfold, tickets and show information for "True West" are available on the Arizona Theatre Company's website. The desert is about to get a whole lot hotter with this fiery depiction of the age-old battle for supremacy between blood rivals—make sure to secure your seats for what promises to be a searing theatrical event.