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Published on June 28, 2024
Arizonans Urged to Participate in National HIV Testing Day with ADHS SupportSource: Arizona Department of Health Services

In Arizona, today isn’t just your average Tuesday—it’s National HIV Testing Day, a critical reminder for residents to know their HIV status. According to the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), their Office of HIV & Hepatitis C Services is offering year-round support with at-home test kits and on-the-ground testing accessible via a network of county health departments and community groups. In a push for awareness, the agency proudly reported backing a commendable sum of over 300,000 HIV tests, from rapid to lab-based, alongside distributing upwards of 13,000 at-home kits between 2019 and 2023.

This nationally recognized day, first established by the National Association of People with AIDS in 1995, holds greater significance beyond the realm of health—it's a beacon for community solidarity. ADHS has thrown its support behind today's events, such as providing rapid HIV tests, PrEP navigation, and an outpouring of education and resource sharing throughout Arizona. To grab the opportunity for a quick test and to discover more about local resources, Arizonans are encouraged to scout out one of the many participating locations.

Once behind curtains, the tides of the HIV narrative are changing, and not without momentum — the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has observed a tangible decline in HIV infections, citing a 12% drop in 2022 from 2018 figures. This trend is rocky riding on the coattails of a remarkable 30% reduction in the 13 to 24 age bracket, cited a report from the ADHS blog. These figures aren’t just numbers; they are a testament to the efficacy of dedicated prevention initiatives and the unflagging commitment of health professionals and community stakeholders.

Beyond the basics of testing, ADHS' HIV Prevention Program is a multifaceted effort blanketing a range of services. From condom distribution to media campaigns aimed at high-risk populations, these initiatives address not just the health but also the systemic adversities that heighten HIV risk. And when tradition meets innovation, partner services take on the mantle by confidentially identifying and notifying individuals of potential exposure to the virus, as detailed by the Director's Blog.

Today more than ever, the act of getting tested is an exercise in taking ownership of one’s health and wellness. As ADHS states, National HIV Testing Day represents a chance to gain vital knowledge about your status and take a step forward in health consciousness.