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Published on June 28, 2024
Bloomington Public Health Launches Free and Discounted Services to Boost Local Healthcare AccessibilitySource: Facebook/Bloomington MN City Government

Residents of Bloomington have reason to breathe a little easier about their healthcare needs. In service to the community's well-being, Bloomington Public Health is offering a mix of free and discounted health services to eligible locals, striving to bridge the health equity gap. These initiatives range from blood pressure checks and immunization shots to support for older adults and young families, announced the City of Bloomington.

In a push to not just prevent disease but also aggressively improve overall health, Bloomington is homing in on the value of accessibility. Services including home assessments for asthma triggers and low-cost tuberculosis skin tests are quite literally bringing healthcare to residents' doorsteps. And for those lacking adequate insurance, the city isn’t holding back in ensuring that flu shots and other immunizations are still within reach.

The city's older population isn't left behind, with the program offering assessments to flag any health concerns and ensuring connections are made to necessary resources. Moreover, for parents in the foundational stages of raising a family, support abounds. From in-person to virtual home visits addressing pregnancy and parenting queries, to growth assessments and breastfeeding support—Bloomington is taking a broad stroke in supporting family health.

Pregnant and breastfeeding individuals, along with families with young children, also stand to benefit from nutritional education and food benefits, as detailed in their extensive health service list. Tube feeding, on the other hand, seems like a straightforward affair with the availability of these resources. Sexual and reproductive health, an area often shrouded in stigma or neglect, receives its due attention, underpinning the city's comprehensive approach to community health.

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding—or in this case, the numbers from Bloomington Public Health Division's 2023 annual report. With over three thousand WIC participants, and thousands more benefiting from flu shots, immunizations, and safety assessments, it's clear that the division's efforts to promote, protect, and improve the health of all are more than just lip service. From their active engagement in the community to their tangible on-the-ground services, Bloomington's latest health stats send a reassuring signal not just to residents, but to public health practitioners everywhere that accessible healthcare works.