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Published on June 26, 2024
Bloomington Unveils Plans for Major Renovations at Bryant and Tretbaugh Parks by 2025Source: City of Bloomington, MN

Bloomington is setting the stage for two major park makeovers, with the residents soon to see groundbreaking changes in their local landscape. The city has announced that Bryant and Tretbaugh parks are set to undergo extensive renovations with construction that’s anticipated to start this August and wrap up by fall 2025. During this period, park-goers should prepare for somewhat limited access, and steer clear of those alluring, but off-limits, construction zones.

According to information released by the city on its official website, Bryant Park's upgrade will be a significant one—boasting the city's first fully inclusive playground. Perfect for both the pint-sized and their parents, the new space will also sport a redesigned shelter. This isn't just any shelter; we're talking winter-proof warming houses for those who enjoy a bit of ice skating, youth programs, and facility rentals. Of course, it'll have the usual suspects as well—seating and all-important restrooms accessible during park hours.

As for Tretbaugh Park, it's not just getting a facelift—it's getting a skill-set boost. Geared towards bikers, the new park will feature an all-wheel track for the brave and a gravel course for mountain bike aficionados who want to brush up on their cycling savvy. There’s talk of a new shade structure and additional seating areas, because let's face it, even the most avid bikers need a break now and then.

These renovations aren't just about aesthetics; they're tailored to engage the community and promote a more versatile, year-round usage of public spaces. So, take a peek at what’s in store for these two parks. It’s clear that the planners have put in effort to design spaces that cater to a diversity of interests and abilities. For Bloomington locals, these revamped parks might just be the breath of fresh air they’ve been looking for.