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Published on June 27, 2024
Boston Police Arrest Brighton Woman Suspected of Assault on Elderly, Intimidating WitnessSource: Unsplash/ Michael Förtsch

Brighton’s own Estella Green, age 56, who once topped Boston Police's "Most Wanted" list, was apprehended by officers from District D-14 on Wednesday morning, ending a manhunt for the alleged assailant of an elderly person. As per Boston Police Department, at approximately 11:07 AM, authorities arrived at Green's residence and arrested her without further complication. This arrest marks a critical point in an investigation dealing with violence towards some of society's most vulnerable members.

Details provided by the Boston Police Department's official release indicate that Green is to quickly be arraigned in Roxbury District Court. She faces charges of Assault with a Dangerous Weapon on an Elderly Person and Witness Intimidation. The specificity of the violations present a sharp image of the legal ramifications Green is now bound to confront.

The case that has enveloped Green stretches beyond the act of assault; it converts an individual's alleged transgressions into a tableau of societal concerns. The charges level against her include the serious accusation of intimidating a witness, suggesting an effort to likely influence the testimony or silence the voice of another. 

The Boston Police Department has yet to release additional details about the circumstances leading up to Green's arrest or the nature of the alleged intimidation.