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Published on June 27, 2024
Boston Police Partner with Edward Everett School Students to Support Local Shelter with Hygiene ProductsSource: Boston Police Department

In a recent community-focused initiative, the Boston Police Department's Bureau of Community Engagement joined forces with students from BPS Edward Everett School to support a local family shelter. According to a report by the BPD, these young minds took it upon themselves to reach out to the BPD seeking assistance in their quest to gather hygiene products.

The united efforts of the students and the police managed to gather an impressive stockpile of donations, which were collected from various contributors across the neighborhood. As a charitable gesture before the school year drew to a close, customized care packages were assembled and distributed to the residents of the St. Ambrose Family Shelter by the students. The collaboration aimed to instill the importance of communal contribution in these young girls and seems to have been successful.

"These caring students learned that a small effort can make a big difference in someone’s life," according to a statement from the BPD. The event is a shining example of community policing and teamwork, illustrating how the law enforcement and education sectors can coalesce for the benefit of society's vulnerable segments.

For those interested in finding out how they can contribute to their neighborhood or learn more about the BPD's community initiatives, a visit to their district station is recommended. Full details are available on the BPD’s official website, invoking community members to become a proactive part of creating neighborhood upliftment.