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Published on June 27, 2024
Boston Police Seize Illegal Modified Firearm, Arrest Suspect Following Dorchester Gunfire ReportsSource: Boston Police Department.

Authorities from the Boston Police Department, alongside Massachusetts State Police members of the Youth Violence Strike Force, apprehended a suspect and recovered a modified firearm following reports of gunfire in Dorchester. The incident took place at around 6:04 PM, on Tuesday, June 24, as reported by the Boston Police Department. Officers were directed to the 200-Block of Bowdoin St. where they were met by a civilian who alerted them about a possible shooting in the area; it was then that officers also heard what sounded like a burst of gunfire from an automatic weapon.

While on the scene, officers observed tangible evidence of the recent altercation the smell of burnt gunpowder hung heavy in the air, while numerous spent shell casings littered the roadway, the quick response team secured the area and immediately endeavored to discover any potential victims, in tandem with any witnesses or suspects. As a part of their investigation, law enforcement received additional descriptions through 911 calls, detailing a suspect and the route of his escape, leading to the expansion of their search zone and the eventual suspect location at 16 Olney St.

The confrontation led to a chase after the individual attempted to evade police upon noticing their presence—he discharged over rear fencing but was apprehended by officers on Bowdoin St. Similarly, during the arrest, the suspect inadvertently dropped a firearm—a black Glock 23 .40 Caliber with an extended magazine and a modification that could turn semiautomatic fire to fully automatic bursts. Boston Police Department's C-11 Detective unit meticulously analyzed the weapon and affirmed its unlawful modifications.

Following the arrest, the suspect identified as John Rodrigues Carvalho, 20, of Dorchester, faced several charges including unlawful carrying of a firearm, possession of a machine gun, and other related offenses. He is slated for arraignment at Dorchester District Court, as stated in the official press statement from the Boston Police Department.