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Published on June 27, 2024
Buckeye Seeks Resident Input to Craft Future Transportation Plans Amidst Rapid GrowthSource: City of Buckeye

Buckeye, Arizona is on the move to update its Transportation Master Plan (TMP), a key document for developing a seamless transportation network that keeps pace with the city's booming population and burgeoning new business sector. Since the last TMP was enacted in 2019, which was in concert with the Imagine Buckeye 2040 General Plan, Buckeye has seen an uptick in growth that demands a fresh look at how its transportation landscape should evolve. The city officials are asking residents and stakeholders to weigh in on the plans, ensuring that the transportation network expansion isn't just a theoretical exercise but one informed by those it will affect most.

Details about the TMP update found on the city's website highlight the city’s intention to evaluate current street, freight, and active transportation systems. Running with significant population growth since its last TMP, the city is tasked with charting out future plans to accommodate the increased demand. These plans include identifying which projects should be prioritized for construction and providing a blueprint for their cost estimates, ensuring that the sprawling city's infrastructure can support the weight of its growth.

Part of the planning involves looking at project prioritization, a process for determining which infrastructural servitudes should first be navigated on the path of expansion. In a pursuit of financial feasibility, the city is also exploring potential funding opportunities and partnerships that would allow for the timely implementation of its transportation goals.

Buckeye's community members are encouraged to voice their transportation priorities through a simplified, two-question survey available on the city’s website, which represents an opportunity for the public to contribute to shaping Buckeye’s transit future. The city believes that the input gathered from residents and stakeholders will be crucial for paving the roads, both literally and figuratively, that lead into tomorrow. In the words of the city's announcement, "Your feedback is crucial to shaping Buckeye's transportation future." This participatory approach suggests a practical kind of democracy, where voices at all levels help steer the mechanisms of urban planning and development.

Phoenix-Transportation & Infrastructure