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Published on June 28, 2024
Duluth Commuters Alert, Third Street Reconditioning Enters Next Phase With Traffic AdjustmentsSource: Google Street View

Commuters in Duluth, get ready for a shift in your driving routine come July 1st. The Third Street Reconditioning Project is plowing right through its timeline, having finished its duties on the upper stretch of Third Street. The update by the City of Duluth entails the project's transition to working on the lower side next week. Motorists will need to get used to new traffic changes, as they will be rerouted to the right lane while the left lane gets closed off from 12th Avenue E to Mesaba Avenue. A tight squeeze is expected, with no parking allowed within the construction limits—drivers be advised.

For those tight-knit with their neighborhood side streets, prepare for sporadic closures. Necessary intersection work means some avenues will be playing the stop-and-go game, closed intermittently to ensure the safety of workers laying down the law of the land—or in this case, concrete and asphalt. According to the city's statement, the Third Street Reconditioning Project is not just about smoothing over the daily commute; it's also about bringing ADA intersection upgrades and fresh pavement markings.

For the long-term game, September's end holds the finish line for this construction marathon. By then, the project promises a Third Street that’s not just reconditioned but rejuvenated with concrete pavement repairs and a bituminous mill and overlay ready to take on Duluth's future drives. Remember, while the avenue may be closed now, the destination is a road well-traveled and well-maintained, bringing a smoother ride for everyone from Point A to Point B.

Stay informed, stay patient, and stay safe. Duluth's effort to maintain and improve its roadways, even with the occasional traffic hiccup, is a testament to the community's prioritization of infrastructure and accessibility. The city stresses the importance of adherence to construction signs and guidance—for the safety of the workers and the expediency of progress. Updates will continue to roll out as the project moves forward, keeping the city's wheels—and ours—turning.