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Published on June 21, 2024
Explore the Waters, Cleary Lake Regional Park Offers Stand-Up Paddleboarding Class in MinnesotaSource: Scott County Minnesota

Get ready to balance, paddle, and soak up some sun, folks. Cleary Lake Regional Park is offering a chance to master the art of stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) on June 30 from 9 to 11 AM, as the Scott County Minnesota reports. For those who haven't tried it, SUP is a mix of surfing and kayaking, and it's been picking up steam as a go-to water sport in lakes around Minnesota.

Of course, you won't need to lug your gear to the lake – everything you need will be provided on-site. The cost to get in on this balancing act is $35, and you have to snag your spot by June 28.

If you're planning to bring a crew, there's a 20 percent discount for groups of four or more, so rally up your friends. To make a reservation, just dial 763-559-6700 and you'll be set to go. Check the official Scott County announcement for the full details.