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Published on June 27, 2024
Fulton County Chairman Extols Joint Film Venture Possibilities with Goyang City, Korea DelegationSource: Google Street View

In a move that ties together technology, film, and international business, Fulton County extends a warm welcome to the Goyang City, Korea delegation. Stepping into the limelight of collaborative ventures, both parties are geared up to explore joint film projects that have potential to harness the rich business landscape that Fulton County offers. Fulton County Chairman, Robb Pitts, highlighted the region's solid Korean business community, acknowledging the presence of heavyweight Korean companies such as Hyundai, Kia, and SK. He expressed his eagerness at the partnership prospects during the delegation's visit,

"In fact there major Korean businesses located in the state of Georgia including Hyundai, Kia, and SK just to name a few," Pitts declared, in a statement obtained by Fulton County News. Emphasizing the strength and influence of these global conglomerates, Pitts also shone a light on the smaller, yet significant, sub-tier firms that are carving a niche in the county. "They're also sub-tier firms not as big as those three that I mentioned but who are also represented here," he said.

The chairman's vision for Fulton encompasses a strategic ramp-up of these 'second-tier group' enterprises, particularly in the information technology sector. The collaborative environment Fulton County is nurturing has not just business expansion on the docket, but also a knowledge exchange that could set the bar high for future international partnerships in technological advancements and film production.

"It's a great opportunity for us to learn from them and partner with them; I'm just so excited about the possibilities for Fulton County, Georgia and the various cities and provinces in Korea," Pitts conveyed his anticipation. With a robust IT landscape and a dynamic Korean business community, Fulton County seems to be at the cusp of a new dawn that might just redefine its economic and cultural contours in the coming years.