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Published on June 26, 2024
Governor Newsom Defends California's Progressive Policies, Upholds Reproductive Rights in State AddressSource: Government of California, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

California Governor Gavin Newsom has taken a staunch stance in defending progressive values, notably through his State of the State address and actions upholding reproductive rights. In a pre-recorded video disseminated on social media, Newsom redirected the established political conversation away from personalized mentions, opting instead to evoke the historical precedent of fascism as a dark mirror to what he perceives as the "poisonous populism of the right,” CBS News Los Angeles reported.

While the echo of 1939 looms over Newsom's rhetoric, there's a clear rebuttal to the conservative critique of California's struggles with budget deficits, taxes, and crime rates. Despite not directly naming Biden or Trump, Newsom pointed to half-century lows in violent crime rates and reductions in property crimes in cities like San Francisco and Oakland, stating that "in California, we take public safety seriously - a problem to solve, not just to flog on cable news," ABC7 details.

On the fiscal front, Newsom touted the signing of legislation that raises the minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20 per hour despite pushback from business owners who blame the measure for escalating customer costs. The governor appealed to the success of Californian businesses as proof of the state's prosperity, referencing the presence of major global companies such as Apple and Nvidia.

Two years on from the reversal of Roe v. Wade, Newsom, together with First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, has declared California a bastion for reproductive rights. On this somber anniversary, Newsom's administration showcased a litany of measures taken to solidify access to abortion and other reproductive health care services, stating, "If you are no longer able to get abortion care in your home state, California has the resources and support available to help you exercise your reproductive freedom,” according to the Governor's official website. These moves include multi-state agreements, executive orders protecting patient data, legislation ensuring access to mifepristone and misoprostol, as well as those facilitating out-of-state patients’ travel to California for abortion services.

California has observed an 11.2% increase in the number of abortions performed within a month of Roe v. Wade being overturned, and resources like Abortion.CA.Gov have been established to offer guidance and support for those seeking reproductive health care. The state has also been proactive in funding expansions to reproductive health services, committing over $240 million in response to the changes in federal law. Governor Newsom is intent on continueing their collaboration with other states and legislative bodies to strengthen efforts safeguarding reproductive rights.