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Published on June 26, 2024
Greene County Deputy Awarded Lifesaving Commendation for Saving Woman from Choking at Local RestaurantSource: Greene County Sheriff’s Department

In a display of swift action that underscores the importance of first aid training, Greene County Deputy Sarah Brown has been honored with a Lifesaving Commendation Bar after saving a local woman from a potentially fatal choking incident at a restaurant. Deputy Brown, who approached the distressed diner with an authoritative "I got this," performed the life-saving technique that allowed Rhonda Hennessy to breathe once more, according to WJHL.

Hennessy was dining with her husband when she began to choke. Her husband's attempts to dislodge the obstruction were unsuccessful and it was Deputy Brown's timely intervention that cleared Hennessy's airway as Brown modestly stated, "I feel that I did what anyone would have done in that situation". Hennessy's gratitude was expressed through a letter to Sheriff Wesley Holt in which she insisted Deputy Brown "should be recognized for having saved my (life) with her intervening actions", as quoted by WJHL.

The award, a testament to Deputy Brown's readiness to respond even off duty was presented by Sheriff Holt in a ceremony also acknowledging Brown's peers Lt. Ez. 1 Mark Crum and Sgt. Frank Cedillo who was in attendance alongside a relieved and thankful Hennessy. Sheriff Holt praised Deputy Brown's actions, remarking, "That is incredible. I’m proud of her and proud to have her at the department,” in a sentiment echoed by both WVLT and WGRV.

Hennessy's encounter has highlighted not only the deputy’s heroism but also the critical need for public knowledge of first aid techniques, such as the Heimlich maneuver which Deputy Brown applied effectively with immediate results. Deputy Brown's actions are a compelling reminder of the potentially life-saving impact of such skills and the extraordinary circumstances wherein ordinary individuals act with decisive courage.