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Published on June 19, 2024
Hopkinton Police Seek Public Help After Child Escapes Abduction AttemptSource: Unsplash/ Max Fleischmann

Hopkinton, Massachusetts, became the focal point for local law enforcement efforts Tuesday after a child reportedly dodged a potential abduction attempt. According to NBC Boston, the child was at Hopkinton Common around 2:40 p.m. when two women in a white vehicle, suspected to be a Toyota RAV4, approached and offered a ride home. Trained well by a mother's advice, the child did not engage and instead ran to safety among friends.

In an incident described by police, running away from the white vehicle was the only safe option, taught to avoid interaction with strangers. According to the reports of police obtained by Boston 25 News, the suspects are identified as two Hispanic women. On this urgent matter, Det. Sgt. Gregg DeBoer is leading the search for any photos or footage that could offer more details.

The community response has been swift, with authorities now urging witnesses or anyone with recording devices that captured the area around the time in question, to come forward. Hopkinton Police are consolidating resources, asking for public assistance in the investigation, hoping to spot the mentioned white vehicle that may have housed intentions unknown.

In these critical times, it's crucial for parents and guardians to stay vigilant about child safety. Following recent events, residents are urged to review their surveillance footage for any sightings of suspicious vehicles. Hopkinton Police advise talking to children about the risks of interacting with strangers offering rides, sweets, or asking them to keep secrets. Fortunately, a child who ran away on Tuesday followed this advice and sought help from friends.