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Published on June 14, 2024
Lewisville Police Department Offers Free Car Seat Checks to Promote Child Safety on the RoadsSource: Lewisville Police Department

Keeping little ones safe on the road is a community affair, and the Lewisville Police Department is stepping up to offer a free Car Seat Inspection/Installation session. Parents and guardians, mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 25, from 8:30 to 11 a.m. at LFD Station 3. Those in need of assistance with their car seats can reserve their spot by calling 972.219.3668, regardless of residency or employment status in Lewisville. This initiative, as detailed by the Lewisville Police Department, opens the door to a service aimed at bolstering child safety for any who wish to participate.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, three out of four car seats are not used correctly, a statistic that the free service aims to address, through giving accessible knowledge and hands-on help. Participants just need to bring their car seats to the event after having called to reserve a spot. With child safety experts on hand, the emphasis is on prevention and ensuring each car seat is installed correctly because ensuring correct installation can be lifesaving.

While walk-ins are welcome, they are encouraging anyone interested to call ahead to ensure they can be accommodated during the session. Offering a buffer against the risk of accidents, sessions like these serve as a reminder of the practical steps communities can take to protect their youngest members. Each car seat checkup is an opportunity to reduce the likelihood of injury or worse, doing so one car seat at a time.

This event is part of a broader push to educate the public on car seat safety and proper installation methods. Organizers stress the importance of taking the time to ensure car seats are installed correctly, as it is the skillful fitting and securing of the devices that afford our children the greatest protection. By doing so, Lewisville continues to foster a safer environment for all, offering peace of mind to parents who will drive off more confident in their child's security.