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Published on June 06, 2024
Mayor Cherelle L. Parker Signs New Consumer Protection Ordinance to Combat Fraud in PhiladelphiaSource: Wikipedia/Jared Piper/PHLCouncil, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In the ongoing effort to fortify consumer protection, Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle L. Parker ratified the Consumer Protection Ordinance, a fresh law aimed at empowering the city to actively respond to and mitigate fraudulent business activities that adversely affect local consumers. As reported by the official City of Philadelphia website, this ordinance, introduced by City Councilmember at-Large Rue Landau, specifically addresses deceptive acts including misleading financing plans, and false advertising.

This local ordinance supplements existing statewide consumer protection laws by authorizing Philadelphia's Law Department, and partner agencies, to delve into reports of consumer exploitation and if needed take legal action against offending businesses to recover financial damages and impose penalties reaching up to $2000 per violation according to the city's website, which noted, "The Law Department can take swift action to hold repeat offenders accountable in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas" further seeking injunctions to stop predatory behaviors.

Prior to this law, consumer protection within Philadelphia was largely under the ambit of state jurisdiction, with enforcement through either the Pennsylvania Attorney General or the District Attorney limiting swift local responses. "I'm proud of this consumer protection legislation that I've now signed into law," Mayor Parker stated, acknowledging the new law as an essential step for safeguarding Philadelphia consumers, as per the City of Philadelphia website.

Expressing a collective sentiment, Councilmember Landau emphasized the ordinance's role in shielding the economically vulnerable, saying, "Too many Philadelphians are one scam away from sliding into or falling deeper into poverty," and City Solicitor Renee Garcia lauded the City Council's and Mayor Parker's initiative in enacting a law that not only targets unscrupulous businesses but also aids in enhancing the local economy's security and fairness, consequently aiding in fostering a secure and equitable local economy, the official site featured Garcia asserting, "The Consumer Protection Ordinance provides the Law Department with the ability to investigate and initiate legal action under existing state law against businesses that repeatedly exploit and mislead our hardworking residents."