PennDOT has announced lane restrictions on Marietta Avenue (Route 23) at the Centerville Road Interchange Improvement Project in East Hempfield Township. Starting tonight, the restrictions kick in at 7:00 PM and last until the early morning light at 6:00 AM, repeating this pattern through Thursday night, June 20, and picking up again the next week from June 24-27, during the same hours. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation urges travelers to take heed and possibly find other paths.
These nighttime restrictions will squeeze traffic into a single lane between Stony Battery Road and Centerville Road to accommodate paving work, and additional restrictions will pepper the intersection of Marietta Avenue and Centerville Road. Anyone driving by might experience delays, sporting lane shifts, or catching sight of the occasional flagger directing the slowed ballet of vehicles. Considering an alternate route might just save you some time and frustration.
As part of the Centerville Road Interchange Improvement project, these temporary inconveniences are laying the groundwork for a smoother commute down the line. We're talking a comprehensive overhaul here – including structure replacement, Superpave overlay, base replacement, the roadway itself getting broadened shoulders, milling, guide rail and drainage improvements, fresher pavement markings, ADA accessible updates, enhanced traffic signals, not to mention potpourri of other miscellaneous construction activities that aim to improve traffic flow and safety.
But let’s not forget the usual reminder from the folks handling our roads: when traveling through the cones and construction signage, keep those eyes peeled and drive carefully. It's not just about avoiding a fender-bender, but ensuring the safety of workers who are out there through the night, making the roads better for everyone. And just a heads up, these conditions are banking on the weather playing nice; any storm clouds on the horizon could shift the schedule. Motorists should be alert and watch for traffic that might be creeping along at a snail's pace.