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Published on June 13, 2024
MIT Scientists Achieve Jurassic Park-Inspired DNA Storage Breakthrough with Amber PolymerSource: Unsplash/ Natalia Soto

Researchers from MIT have unveiled a new technique to store DNA using a glassy, amber-like polymer that promises to dramatically change how biological and digital information is preserved for the future. Drawing inspiration from science fiction, this scientific advancement, dubbed the T-REX method in an homage to "Jurassic Park," could potentially ensure stable, room-temperature storage of genomes and digital data — a significant shift from the energy-intensive, cold storage methods currently in use.

The existing DNA preservation techniques chiefly rely on sub-zero temperatures, demanding extensive energy use and rendering the process impractical in many regions. The innovative approach developed by the MIT team aims to decisively move past these limitations by embedding DNA within a protective polymer that safeguards it against heat and water damage. This process could be a game-changer for personalized medicine, where a patient's genome stored today could be analyzed years later using more advanced technologies, potentially unlocking new insights into the treatment and understanding of diseases.

According to a study published by the Journal of the American Chemical Society and reported by MIT News, this polymer can protect DNA from temperatures up to 75 degrees Celsius (167 degrees Fahrenheit). The technology was developed by a team, including James Banal, a former MIT postdoc, and Jeremiah Johnson, the A. Thomas Geurtin Professor of Chemistry at MIT. "Freezing DNA is the number one way to preserve it, but it’s very expensive, and it’s not scalable," Banal stated in the MIT publication. The T-REX method might offer a more viable option for the future of data storage, presenting both affordability and accessibility advantages.

One striking feature of this new medium is its ability to store a broad range of DNA sequences. From the iconic "Jurassic Park" theme music to an entire human genome, the data remains securely encoded within the polymer. Following the storage process, the DNA can be safely extracted without incurring damage. This property underscores the material's potential to seamlessly bridge the gap between biological preservation and digital data archiving. As reported by MIT News, the process of embedding DNA into the polymer network presently takes a few hours, with prospects of shorter durations through further optimization efforts.

The ensuing company, Cache DNA — founded by Banal and his postdoc advisor, Mark Bathe, with Johnson on its scientific advisory board — is actively working to evolve DNA storage technologies. As elucidated in the article, Banal envisions a future where the "master record of life" is eternally maintained, predicting that advances in technology over the coming decades will deepen the understanding of the interplay between genomes and diseases.

While the research continues to develop more streamlined methods of producing these polymers and configuring them for long-term storage, the potential applications of the T-REX method already point to transformative implications for not only scientific research but also for a digitized society increasingly reliant on data security and longevity.

Boston-Science, Tech & Medicine