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Published on June 14, 2024
Phoenix Fire Department Boosts Swiftwater Rescue Skills Ahead of Monsoon SeasonSource: Facebook/Phoenix Fire Department

The Phoenix Fire Department is gearing up for the monsoon season with a focus on swift water rescue training. Due to the upcoming seasonal rains, the importance of readiness takes precedence, ensuring that emergency personnel are equipped with the requisite skills to handle high-water incidents. On the approach of the monsoons, such preparedness is not just prudent, it's crucial.

Captain Rob McDade, a Public Information Officer (PIO) with the Phoenix Fire Department, emphasized the value of the training sessions. "We want to perform this evolution on a scene, on an incident to where we've done it hundreds of times. The communication is seamless, everybody knows their role," McDade said, as stated by the City of Phoenix. With frequent drills, the team seeks to foster a level of familiarity that allows them to work instinctively, ensuring efficiency and safety during actual rescue situations.

As monsoon season brings a steep increase in water-related emergencies, the Phoenix Fire Department's preparations serve as a proactive measure to protect the community. Such readiness endeavors align emergency responders from various agencies, solidifying communication and clarity of mission. According to the City of Phoenix, this practice, as per McDade, is "essential to make sure we're all on the same page, we all understand what the mission is, what the goal is."