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Published on June 14, 2024
Plymouth Readies for Hilde Nights Amidst Boulevard Construction, Maps Out Detours for ConcertgoersSource: City of Plymouth, MN

As the city of Plymouth tunes up for the summer rhythm with its Hilde Nights concert series, construction on Plymouth Boulevard is playing a bit of hardball with traffic flow and parking. Attend pleased music aficionados, the road between the 34th and 35th avenues throws a wrench in the usual route by being closed from the world of accessible streets, as detailed by the City of Plymouth. All you wandering minstrels must note that while the Hilde Performance Center at 3500 Plymouth Blvd. stands invitingly open amidst the odds, accessing it will be like navigating through an urban labyrinth – detours are the day's new normal.

Hoping to sprawl on the grassy expanses at the Hilde while grooving to the beats of Parrothead Paradise? You might have to park your chariots a tad farther at the Plymouth Community Center, Plymouth City Hall, or the Plymouth Ice Center, as their official publication depicts. And for those preferring the rugged charm of streets, 34th Avenue has got your back – just keep an eagle eye for the no-parking zones near the Post Office.

Now, let's get to the juicy details of the Hilde Nights lineup for June 14, because what's better than free music under the sky's canopy? Kicking off at 6 p.m., Ali & Joe will serenade attendees into the sunset, succeeded by the Pan-handlers Steel Drum Band with their Caribbean flair from 7 p.m., as per the City of Plymouth. And as twilight deepens, Parrothead Paradise will sweep you off your feet until the stars claim the night. And don't just pack your spirit – bring along blankets or chairs with those wallets for a medley of food truck treats and sips. And oh, thirst-quenchers rejoice, there'll be a refillable water bottle station to keep you hydrated and hopping.

Ahead in the concert series, on July 19 and August 23, the City of Plymouth is gearing up to host Gen X Jukebox and a pairing of the Tim Sigler Band and Chris Kroeze, respectively. These gigs, like their predecessors, won’t cost a dime to jam out; it's an all-you-can-enjoy music buffet. But here's a tip – before you head out, dial up the weather hotline at 763-509-5205 to make sure Mother Nature’s plans align with yours.