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Published on June 14, 2024
Queen Creek Officials Outline Safety Guidelines for Fireworks Use Ahead of Fourth of July CelebrationsSource: Google Street View

As we approach the pomp and circumstance of the Fourth of July, the Town of Queen Creek is getting the word out on how to celebrate safely with fireworks. Only ground and hand-held sparkling devices are considered legal within town limits, whereas anything that shoots into the sky or explodes – like bottle rockets or aerial shells – are a no-go. According to the latest announcement from Queen Creek officials, these rules aren't just guidelines; they are the law.

Queen Creek's rules also strictly dictate when it's legal to even so much as light a sparkler. Fireworks sales and usage are restricted to the stretch from June 24 through July 6. It's worth noting that to legally light up the night, residents will need to stay strictly on private property. And if your celebration gets out of hand, be prepared to foot the bill for any emergency services called to the scene. "Individuals who use, discharge or ignite permissible consumer fireworks are responsible and liable for expenses as a result of any emergency response that is required," the Town stated on their website.

Queen Creek Fire and Medical is doling out tips to keep your holiday both festive and harm-free: supervise kids around fireworks; steer clear of misleading brown paper packages; and never try to relight a dud. They remind us to keep some water nearby just in case things get too heated. Moreover, post-celebrations, give those spent sparklers a good soak before tossing them to avoid any unintended blazes. These tips and more can be found on the Town's dedicated fireworks page.

Pets, too, need consideration amidst the booms and bangs. "Do not take your pet to firework displays," the website advises, and also suggests setting up a serene space far from the noise for your furry friends. And of course, ensure they can always find their way back to you with proper identification. Remember to practice caution not just for your own pets but also to be mindful of the neighborhood’s animals.

If your festivities get interrupted by suspect snaps and pops of illegal firework use in Queen Creek, the Queen Creek Police Department's non-emergency line is the number to call. The aim is clear – to have a blast this Independence Day without blasting a hole in community safety. For those eager to report non-emergency issues, the town encourages residents to utilize their online portal at And for the social media savvy, updates and reminders are being posted at and

Having all the relevant safety information at your fingertips ensures a Fourth of July that's remembered for all the right reasons. So, before the patriotic pride overtakes and sparklers are clutched in every hand, make it a point to brush up on the dos and don'ts. After all, a moment of caution might just spare Queen Creek's residents from unintended consequences and keep the holiday's spirit burning bright as the sparklers we wield – controlled, contained, and above all, safe.