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Published on June 19, 2024
Ramsey County Celebrated for Innovative Public Service Programs by National Association of CountiesSource: Google Street View

Ramsey County is making waves with four of its programs recently honored by the National Association of Counties, demonstrating a commitment to community-focused innovation and service. Highlighted at the June 11 board of commissioners meeting by County Manager Berg, these awards recognize strides in areas ranging from elder mentorship to progressive 911 call responses—efforts that meaningfully impact the lives of county residents.

One of the standout programs, the Professional Elder Mentorship Program, connects county employees with retired local professionals—be they CEOs, lawyers, or pillars in their fields—who impart valuable knowledge reflecting the cultural diversity of Ramsey County, a move that betters the community as a whole by fostering cross-generational learning and skill enhancement. The Appropriate Responses Initiative, another award recipient, takes an innovative approach to emergency response, categorizing 911 calls to ensure that mental health professionals or public health workers are dispatched when their expertise is most needed, thus optimizing the quality of support provided to residents in crisis.

Securing access to food, a basic necessity often taken for granted, is the aim of the county's food security program, which stands out for its two-pronged attack on food insecurity: revamping systemic policies for long-term sustainability and bridging the gap to immediate resources. Over the next two years, the program will concentrate on bolstering the food safety net, fostering urban agriculture, and making food more accessible and affordable throughout the community.

Furthermore, the Driver’s License Academy tackles a significant barrier faced by young adults aged 18-24—obtaining a driver's license—as a driver's license is essential not only for employment but for the expanded prospects and autonomy that come with it, and without these critical pieces of plastic, young adults find themselves at a stark disadvantage in the job market, this program provides resources and assistance tailored to surmount this obstacle. With these four programs, Ramsey County is shaping a dynamic foundation for its future, one that is as invested in the prosperity of its elder population as it is in the promise of its younger generation.

As these programs gain recognition and continue to evolve, the fabric of Ramsey County is knitted tighter by the collective aspiration to uplift every resident—acknowledging that the strength of a community lies in its capacity to support, educate, and empower every individual it encompasses.