Bay Area/ San Jose/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on June 20, 2024
San Jose Police Arrest Two for Assault and Vandalism During Violent Sideshow, Search for Additional Perpetrators UnderwaySource: San Jose Police Department

In a decisive pushback against chaotic sideshow gatherings, San Jose Police have nabbed two suspects connected to an assault on their officer and the vandalism of a police car that took place on Saturday, as reported by the San Jose Police Department. Tyler Durbin, 22, and Gabe Durbin, 26, were arrested in San Juan Bautista for inciting a riot, assaulting a peace officer, and felony vandalism, awaiting their booking at Santa Clara County Jail.

Authorities are still actively pursuing individuals involved in the sideshow, which saw a bystander hit by a car driven by 24-year-old Aidan Rheault who now faces felony charges for hit-and-run and reckless driving, according to Hoodline. Acting Chief Paul Joseph condemned the violent behavior, branding it "unacceptable" and "deplorable" and reaffirming the city's intolerance for such acts, the department's commitment underscores the assurance given in the earlier tweet from the force.

The chaotic incident, involving an unruly crowd that attacked a police cruiser and hindered a reserve officer from assisting the hit-and-run victim, also left the officer with minor injuries and the vehicle significantly damaged, further adding to the gravity of the situation. The violent outbreak and subsequent escapes occurred despite the initial responses to calls received at around 6:55 PM flagging sideshow activities across San Jose neighborhoods.

Amidst these developments, Acting Chief Joseph has voiced his commitment to rigorous investigation in partnership with the District Attorney's Office to bring all actors to justice, as an additional assurance of the department's dedication to maintaining order and peace in the city streets. The San Jose Police Department seems resolute in tracking down the remaining suspects involved in the affront against public order and the safety of law enforcement agents, as they echo a community's fraught call for accountability and a return to the serenity once taken as a given before this disturbing disruption.