Bay Area/ San Jose/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on June 27, 2024
San Mateo Sheriff and CAL FIRE CZU Save Individual on Brink at Pescadero State BeachSource: San Mateo County Sheriff's Office

The San Mateo County Sheriff's Office was recently called to Pescadero State Beach following reports of a troubled soul teetering at nature's edge with the intent to end life. According to the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office, the call came in last Friday, prompting deputies to launch a comprehensive search of the beachfront.

The distressed individual was discovered down a steep, perilous 200+ foot cliff, braving the rocks and nearing the tumultuous sea. Deputies forged ahead – safely navigating the descent to reach out to the individual. With the crucial involvement of the CAL FIRE CZU San Mateo-Santa Cruz Unit, the endangered person was drawn back from the precipice, both literally and figuratively.

"Through a cold, wet negotiation, deputies, with invaluable assistance from CAL FIRE CZU San Mateo-Santa Cruz Unit, were able to get the individual to safety", recounted the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office

As the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office reflects, "Thanks to their efforts, this person is now receiving the help and support they need."