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Published on June 14, 2024
Veteran Firefighter Joe Pacheco Steps Up as Marietta's New Deputy Chief of OperationsSource: City of Marietta

The Marietta Fire Department has named Joe Pacheco as its new Deputy Chief of Operations, a significant appointment for a seasoned firefighter with a decades-long history of service and leadership within the fire service. Pacheco, whose tenure with the department dates back to 1999, took on this latest role on June 3, after climbing through ranks and honing his skills in technical rescue, medical response, and organizational leadership.

Deputy Chief Pacheco is not just any run-of-the-mill fire department official; his career is a testament to commitment and progression. Initially joining the department's heavy rescue unit, he eventually gained recognition as an instructor and evaluator after earning his Paramedic training and obtaining NPQ certifications. The upward trajectory of his career saw him being promoted to Firefighter Engineer in 2006, and then to the role of a Lieutenant in 2008.

In a statement obtained by the official Marietta government website, Chief Tim Milligan expressed his enthusiasm for Pacheco's new appointment: "We are excited to welcome Joe into his new role. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that will ensure we continue to deliver exceptional customer service to our community. That experience will also allow him to drive strategic initiatives that will move our department forward."

Joe's academic achievements are as notable as his professional ones; he graduated from Columbia Southern University with a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership. Such an educational background underlines the comprehensive skill set he brings to the Deputy Chief position. As Assistant Chief, he served as a shift commander and the Training Chief – roles that further cemented his aptitude for leadership within Marietta Fire.

According to the announcement, Pacheco's history with the department is decorated with numerous awards and certifications, which, combined with his academic credentials, suggest a well-rounded deputy chief, poised to tackle the operational challenges of the Marietta Fire Department in the years to come.