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Published on June 29, 2024
Worcester's Dennis F. Shine Memorial Pool Closed Over Security Concerns After Nearby Violent IncidentsSource: Google Street View

In Worcester, the heat of summer is rising, but the waters of the Dennis F. Shine Memorial Swimming Pool remain still and silent. Following a directive from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), the public pool at Vernon Hill Park is closed until further notice, pending the assignment of a police detail. This decision stems from recent violent episodes at another state-run pool, prompting security concerns. NBC10 Boston reported a woman was arrested after brandishing a weapon during an altercation at the Bennett Field Pool, leading to an increased focus on safety measures.

While the pool's gates remain locked, some local kids have taken to "pool hop," scaling the barriers for a forbidden dip once lifeguards punch out. According to a parent in a statement obtained by Boston 25 News, "God forbid something happens, then what?" exemplifying the community's worry over unsupervised swimming. Parents, earnest in their concern, can do little but hope that the necessary security detail is organized swiftly, allowing the facility to provide a safe environment for their children's summer recreation.

The DCR is resolute in their policy, which has been active for years, requiring law enforcement presence at pools deemed needing additional oversight. As they work to arrange for this at the Dennis F. Shine Memorial Swimming Pool, residents are left in a frustrating limbo. "Look at this beautiful weather and it’s a shame for other kids that are nonviolent and they can’t go in," Paula Jones lamented, highlighting the plight of the majority who are penalized for the transgressions of a few, as reported by Boston 25 News.

Meanwhile, residents like Deeann Laureyns, who has frequented the pool for a lifetime, expressed her distress over the situation, worrying about her grandkids' safety who have historically enjoyed the facility's offerings with peace of mind. After last Thursday's incident, when the Worcester police had to separate two brawls, the concern seems even more visceral, indicating an altered reality for spaces once regarded as secure, as noted by NBC10 Boston. The timeline for reopening remains uncertain, but the consensus in the community is clear—they want their pool back, and they want it safe.