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Published on July 01, 2024
Lewisville Police Celebrate World Social Media Day, Encourage Public Engagement for Enhanced Community SafetySource: Lewisville Police Department

In a nod to World Social Media Day, the Lewisville Police Department took to its Facebook page to express appreciation for the community's engagement with its social media presence. Emphasizing the impact of digital communication in strengthening community bonds, the department encouraged residents to remain active participants by following their social channels, sharing messages, and interacting with posts as a means to create a safer environment.

The Lewisville Police Department served as an invitation for the community to journey with them, as the law enforcement agency continues to fulfill its duty to serve and protect, the department also has emphasized the importance of the public's support in their digital strategy stating "Your support and engagement on our social media platforms mean the world to us."

The department listed various platforms where residents can connect, including Instagram, Facebook, Nextdoor, and YouTube, providing a gateway for the public to access and digest police news and updates. Additionally, they have offered a subscription to a weekly email, ensuring that those interested don't miss out on any important announcements or insights from the department.

"Let's keep the conversation going and make a difference together", the Lewisville Police Department expressed, fortifying their message of collaborative community effort through the web of social media. Their statement and the list of diverse social platforms demonstrate a multipronged approach to reaching a broad audience, with the department keenly aware that online interaction has become a cornerstone of modern-day community policing. The links to their social media pages and subscription email can be found in their World Social Media Day announcement post which delineates the various ways the community can keep up with the Lewisville Police Department's activities and updates.