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Published on December 02, 2023
70-Year-Old Texas Slayer Stays Locked Up: Sonoma Board Denies Parole for '85 Guerneville KillerSource: Google Street View

The long shadow of a 1985 cold-blooded killing lingers as Texas man Vernon Bragg, aged 70, was once again denied his bid for freedom in a California parole board proceeding yesterday. According to an announcement from the Sonoma County District Attorney's Office, the parole denial was rooted in claims that Bragg has failed to show he's no longer a threat to the community.

In a case that has quickly became emblematic of the challenges facing the parole process, Bragg's supporters argue that after decades behind bars, the aging inmate's continued incarceration serves little purpose. However, District Attorney Rodriguez fiercely disagreed, stating, "We are thankful that the Board came to the same conclusion that we reached regarding this inmate, and that is that he would continue to pose an unreasonable threat to the community if he were to be released at this time." Rodriguez signaled that, in his eyes, the gravity of Bragg's past actions outweighed the merits of his release.

Bragg's criminal past unfolds from a fatal incident, where a minor verbal spat at a Guerneville home spiraled into tragedy. According to reports, Bragg interjected himself into a dispute that did not initially involve him, ultimately knocking down Ray Rasmussen and fatally shooting him. The grim saga didn't end there; Bragg and an accomplice then concealed Rasmussen's body under a nearby vacant house, where it remained hidden for over two years.

Despite multiple attempts to secure his release since first becoming eligible, Bragg faced another three-year setback as the Parole Board remained resolute that his return to society carries undue risk. Deputy District Attorney Juliette Hyde also attended the hearing, reinforcing the prosecutorial stance that Bragg's debt to society remains unpaid.