Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on May 20, 2011
Another Tree Falls in Duboce ParkFlickr/sethoscope
Just thirteen days after a massive tree fell in Duboce Park, another one has suddenly split. Literally!

This one lived on the northern side of the park, near Potomac. Haighteration reader Seth G. sent us the photo above, and these:
Meanwhile, Twitter user@KareninSF, who watched the tree fall and says that no one was hurt, posted the following pics from the scene this afternoon:
Yes it's a little windy today, but two trees in a month -- is this normal? We're reaching out to the Recreation and Parks Department to find out. We'll also post more pics and any updates when we get 'em. Update 6:20pm: Haighteration reader Erik F. sends in these extra photos from the scene:
In this one you can see damage to the chained posts that line the pathway of the park, with the split tree in the background:
In this one, children play amongst the wreckage:
And in these two, you can clearly see the tree split into thirds at its center: