Accolades: Word comes via
Inside Scoop that the prestigious
San Francisco Architectural Heritage organization has inducted three Castro merchants into their hallowed Legacy Bar and Restaurant initiative.
The San Francisco non-profit formed in 1971. Its aims and goals are according to the groups website: preserve and enhance San Francisco’s unique architectural and cultural identity, Heritage aims to help manage change over time, advocating for smart growth through the protection and reuse of historic structures and landscapes. Acknowledging the symbiosis between cultural and material sustainability, to help preserve the environment that defines San Francisco.
To that end they began nominating City bars and restaurants they felt deserved to be singled out and honored for their excellence in innovation, style, cultural influence, longevity and unique San Francisco appeal.
Up to now that list only included one Castro entity - SF's newest historical and distinct LGBT landmark -
Twin Peaks Tavern. Now, in this latest round of twenty-five additional inductees, three other Castro businesses have been added to the hallowed preservation worthy list:
Sausage Factory (517 Castro St./est. 1968),
It's Tops Coffee Shop (1801 Market St./est. 1935) and
Cafe Flore (2298 Market St./est. 1973). The Heritage believes all three long-standing establishments have played key roles in building the City’s culture.
This third round of inductees raises the lists total to seventy-five bars and restaurants citywide that Heritage believes deserves special consideration, protection, and respect. Congrats to all three of the Castro recipients.
Delayed: As we previously
posted in August, See's Candies, the Warren Buffet owned, South San Francisco based candy company is attempting to open a new retail store in the Castro Safeway shopping center.
They'd hoped to be up and running in time for the approaching holidays but due to Castro's new formula retail requirements and SF Planning Commission postponement that will be impossible.
The company's next hearing will be on December 12th in front of the Planning Commission where they hope to make their case for taking over the now vacated Wolf Cameras nearly 2000 square foot retail space at 2016 Market Street.
They will also have to see if they can obtain a variance to operate at that location in light of the Castro formula retail regulations that limit the number of nationwide or international corporate retailers density to be higher than 20% within 300 feet of each other.
Neighbors who object to See's --or formula retail in general-- will have a chance to air their concerns to the Planning Commission prior to their final recommendations. So far the Castro Merchants, formerly Merchants of Upper Market Castro (MUMC), are in favor of See's opening while the Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association (DTNA) and Eureka Valley Neighborhood Association (EVNA) have decided to surprisingly play Switzerland on the issue and remain neutral. We'll keep you informed.
Deals! Finally the long-awaited Northern California Dungeness crab season is slated to start Friday and
Woodhouse Fish Co (2073 Market St.), the well
reviewed and popular neighborhood eatery is ready to make all you crab lovers very happy.
2013 has been one of the biggest and most plentiful crab seasons in recent history and fisherman throughout the Bay are reporting record hauls.
Woodhouse Fish Co. has decided to get a jump on all its competitors in the City by offering a killer special: a whole cracked crab with potatoes, chard, garlic butter and drawn butter for only $16 bucks! If you hunger for succulent crab and dig a good deal there isn't another like this in the Castro anywhere to compare so start crackin' - this is a limited deal and ends November 26th.