A cyclist was left in life-threatening condition yesterday after colliding with a car on Gough Street.
At approximately 1:30pm on Monday afternoon, a 26-year old male cyclist was riding down Gough Street near McAllister when he collided with a car. According to SFPD, the car had stopped with its blinkers on indicating that it was moving into a parking space. The cyclist crashed into the back of the car and sustained multiple injuries, including head trauma, fractured ribs, internal bleeding and a punctured lung.
The driver remained at the scene, and the cyclist was transported to San Francisco General Hospital. As of this morning, SFPD has no update on the case or the cyclist's condition.
This accident comes less than a month after a 66-year-old cyclist was killed on Folsom and 14th streets. Charles Vinson was hit and killed by a car running a red light on March 3rd.