In a message shared earlier this week with the Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council, a representative from Motivate shared recently proposed locations for two bike-sharing stations in the Upper Haight.
The representative, Alex Garcia, wrote that as currently proposed, the Ford GoBike stations would occupy 80 feet along Ashbury between Haight and Page, and 80 feet along Shrader from Page towards Haight.
The locations are still only tentative, Garcia wrote, adding that Motivate is "in the process of collecting community feedback on these proposed locations."
Whether the stations are installed as proposed depends in part on community feedback during this phase of the process, Garcia wrote. Permitting is expected to wrap up this winter, with installation set for the middle of next year.
And though easier commuter and tourist access to the Haight by bicycle will be desirable to some, the loss of 160 linear feet of available parking space is likely to rankle some residents.
Garcia's message to the HANC board emphasized the role that further neighborhood input—as well as requirements from the city, ADA compliance, and engineering needs—would inform the bike-sharing station's ultimate placement.