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Published on August 26, 2019
5 ways to make the most of your week in ChicagoPhoto: Rifqi Ali Ridho/Unsplash

From a fundraiser to rooftop benefit, there's plenty to enjoy in Chicago this week. Read on for a rundown of ideas for how to fill your calendar.

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2019 Sinai HIV/AIDS Walk Fundraiser

From the event description:

A remarkable 90% of the money we raise will go directly back to fund patient services.

When: Tuesday, Aug. 27, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Where: Basement of Lagunitas Brewing Company Chicago, 2607 W. 17th St.
Admission: $20-$500

Click here for more details, and to get your tickets

Gear Up: Advances in High-Speed Image Capture

From the event description:

Attendees are encouraged to go hands-on with all the gear and get their questions answered by AbelCine tech specialists. Snacks and refreshments will be served.

When: Tuesday, Aug. 27, 6-9 p.m.
Where: AbelCine, Cinespace Film Studios, 2602 W. 16th St., Floor 4
Admission: Free

Click here for more details, and to get your tickets

Intimate Night of Wedding Planning

From the event description:

An Intimate Night of Wedding Planning offers you the opportunity to connect with award-winning professionals that are here to assist in making your vision come to life.

When: Wednesday, Aug. 28, 5-8 p.m.
Where: The Connection Events Facility, 4321 S. Cottage Grove Ave.
Admission: Free

Click here for more details, and to get your tickets

Rooftop Summer BBQ Benefiting The Children's Miracle Network

From the event description:

Join us for an evening full of bites, sips and country music to benefit The Children's Miracle Network!

When: Thursday, Aug. 29, 5-8 p.m.
Where: Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, 540 N. Michigan Ave.
Admission: $40

Click here for more details, and to get your tickets

Anatomy of a Fatality: Movie vs. Real Swordsmanship

From the event description:

Japanese swordsmanship is an often misunderstood practice and art form. In this edition of Anatomy of a Fatality, we will be taking a comparative look at some of the differences between cuts sustained in cinema sword fights compared to the actual damage the body can experience from similar sword cuts.

When: Thursday, Aug. 29, 5:30-8 p.m.
Where: International Museum of Surgical Science, 1524 N. Lake Shore Drive
Admission: $25

Click here for more details, and to get your tickets

Parking in Chicago can be tough, especially during popular events. To find free or cheap parking and to book parking in advance, see this map of Chicago parking from SpotAngels. And to get there by public transportation, check the CTA's website for nearby stations and schedules.

This story was created automatically using local event data, then reviewed by an editor. Click here for more about what we're doing. Got thoughts? Go here to share your feedback.