Minneapolis/ Community & Society
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Published on June 23, 2020
Top Minneapolis news: 9 injured in 3 shootings; police chief says Floyd's death 'murder;' morePhoto: iStock

Here's what you need to know about what's happening in Minneapolis.

Talk of changing city's police department means taking on union

The fiery leader of Minneapolis' police union has built a reputation of defying the city, long before he offered the union's full support to the officers charged in George Floyd's death.

Read the full story on PBS NewsHour.

9 injured Monday in 3 shootings in city

Police say no arrests have been made and investigators are still determining what led to the shootings.

Read the full story on KARE11.

Woman suffers life-threatening injury in overnight crash on Highway 252

A 34-year-old Minneapolis woman suffered life-threatening injuries early Monday morning in a crash on Highway 252 in the north metro.

Read the full story on CBS Minnesota.

In Minneapolis, looking for police recruits who can resist warrior culture

There is a significant difference between the community policing taught in the Minneapolis Police Academy and the ethos of some veteran officers.

Read the full story on The New York Times.

Minneapolis police chief on George Floyd death: 'This was murder — it wasn’t a lack of training'

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo released a statement Monday detailing some of the department's training history in light of the death of George Floyd.

Read the full story on Fox 11 Los Angeles.

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