The once infamous Haight Street McDonald’s location in San Francisco, more notorious for crime than Happy Meals, is being reincarnated. The previous fast-food site at 730 Stanyan, which has been limping through an identity crisis since 2017, is now on the way to becoming a 160-unit affordable housing complex.
The storied past of the location includes a stint as a safe-sleeping tent village during the COVID pandemic and a short-lived run as a homeless drop-in center before lying dormant for over a year.
Today we broke ground on a 100% affordable housing development in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood. 160 new homes for low-income and formerly homeless people and families, including transitional aged youth.
— London Breed (@LondonBreed) June 28, 2023
Now, in a bold step towards accessibility and affordability, the location gears up to house a diverse range of individuals and families, including transitional aged youth and the formerly homeless. The anticipated completion date is some time in 2026. Continue Reading the Full Story on SFist -->
Image: SFGov Image: SFGov Image: SFGov Image: @LondonBreed via Twitter