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Published on July 13, 2023
Skunks 'Taking Over' a Point Loma Condo Building Amuse Web Users; Residents Are Not PleasedSource: Unsplash

Residents of the Sea Colony complex in Point Loma are facing an unpleasant aroma, not to mention nightly patrols, as skunks continue to increase in numbers around the property. According to ABC 10News, the residents describe the scent as "skunky pot," and it's not something they're finding agreeable.

In response to the skunk problem, the condo complex staff have set traps around the property in an effort to keep the furry critters at bay. However, it seems that the sudden rise in skunk appearances and their subsequent invasion of the area is being met with a mixed response. The residents may not approve but web users, as seen in a Reddit post pointing to the news article, are quite amused.

One Reddit user, @ViaDeLaValle, quipped disappointment that skunks hadn't taken over in the managerial sense by, "reassigning parking spots and rekeying everyone's front doors." Others stated their encounters with the creatures, describing the skunks as "brazen" when strolling by them.

It's interesting to consider the different perspectives. Though these little animals are causing quite a stink for the residents at Point Loma, their internet audience seems to enjoy the unexpected turn of events. BigHeadTinyBody, another redditor, shared a personal story of being startled by a skunk, confirming that they "do a nightly patrol of [their] yard."

It is also worth noting that not all web users view the skunk situation as purely comical. Some, like LarryPer123, talked about the benefits of having skunks around, mentioning how they help control other pest populations, and become quite affectionate when domesticated. This positive approach might offer the residents some solace as they find ways to coexist with their new neighbors.

While the San Diego Humane Society stresses that skunks are not aggressive by nature, they do advise giving these animals their space. If a skunk happens to feel threatened, it will spray in self-defense and this can be quite an issue, particularly for the unsuspecting pet-owner, as the smell is difficult to remove from clothes, pets, and even one's own skin, per the ABC 10News article.

The report provides a remedy for skunk-sprayed pets, including a mixture of 3% peroxide, baking soda, and liquid hand soap, applied after first washing the pet with diluted vinegar. It's evident that a prompt response can help minimize the odor to a great extent.

Perhaps, in the end, the most important takeaway is for all parties to exercise caution and respect when it comes to dealing with these wild critters. Skunks may provide amusement for some, and annoyance for others, but they are ultimately just trying to survive, like any other organism.

While traps and awareness efforts are in place, it appears that the skunks of Point Loma are becoming quite the topic of conversation, both for the directly affected residents and their online audience. As one resident told ABC 10News, "I am on the lookout. Let's put it that way: I don't mind them at all."